This one is a little sexier than most company blogs, though. No, it's not Victoria spilling all her innermost secrets. It's from Federico Minoli, head honcho at Ducati Motor Holdings, maker of Ducati motorcycles. He's decided to start up a blog so he can keep everyone abreast of his comings and goings in the motorcycle world.

And Ducati's blog is no different than the bikes themselves. It's written in both English and Italian. If you're reading it in English, though, you have to put on a really sexy Italain accent. It just 'sounds' better that way. Reading the comments is a lot of fun, too. Most of them are in Italian, and will therefore make no sense to the average North American. But it's fun to scan through them just the same. It's like taking a European vacation without leaving your desk.
Federico isn't just another suit, either. He's a motorcycle enthusiast and proud Ducati rider as well. His blog will take you from high-society galas to the race track to the Italian countryside in the blink of an eye - or with the blip of the throttle. I may be way off base here, but I get the feeling from his blog that he would be the kind of guy who'd gladly sit with you for hours and chat about bikes over a glass of wine.
If that is the case, then I'd like to extend an open invitation to him. Sig. Minoli, if you're ever in Canada and have some time to kill, drop me a line. My husband would love to bend your ear for an hour or two. All I ask is that you give me enough notice to get a few bottles of my father's best shipped to us in honour of your visit. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. :D
Technorati Tags: Ducati ; Federico Minoli ; Motorcycle ; Sport Bike ; Supersport ; Monster ; Racing
My hubby wants a Ducati so bad. But he has too many toys right now. He will have to get rid of one before he can get another. They sure are fast little suckers.
pttthhht-sports bikes *grin*
LOL! Says the Harley girl, I imagine? :D
Ashley, I was told that the rule in 'boy town' is "He with the most toys, wins." ;)
I've heard that too. Although we don't have the money right now for him to buy a motorcycle. It's my turn to get somethign big and expensive. I've been letting him spend money left and right on his car he is restoring.
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