Thursday, April 27, 2006

Do You Know The Muffin Man?

I do! And his name is Trouble.

Earlier this evening, I thought I'd treat my boys by making a batch of muffins. OK, don't get excited. It's the Quaker stuff in the bag. But they love it, so we don't need to tell them that I'm cheating.

Anyhow, I set the muffin pan on top of the stove to cool and head into my cavern - I mean basement - to work on a plate I need to engrave for a customer. The boys were in the adjoining room, watching TV.

At least, that's where the older one was.

Trouble had other schemes brewing in his mischievous little skull. He had stolen away upstairs, dragged a chair over to the stove, climbed up and proceeded to pull the tops off of all the muffins. Then he ate the evidence. Well, most of it, at any rate.

By the time my overworked Mom radar sounded, it was too late. Mental note to self: must call the shop to have that radar looked at - Trouble may be tampering with it while I sleep. I hurried back to the kitchen to find Trouble standing across the room with a muffin top in each hand. As soon as he spotted the me coming up the steps, he backed himself against a wall, both hands (still clutching the muffin tops) behind his back, eyes wide, shouting, "No! No! No! No! No! No!...."

So, what do you do at this point? It's time for dinner. Trouble, surprisingly, isn't hungry.

"If you don't eat your dinner, you're not getting any ... oh, wait ... never mind."

Technorati Tage: ; ;


Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

Aint they just the little stinkers sometimes? Princess is 5 now and will actually go into the fridge and get herself out a yogurt and eat the entire thing like 30 minutes before dinner if I don't keep an eye on her.

Her excuse "But I was hungry. . . "

BikerMomma said...

Oh, I know! I don't remember my first doing half the things this one is into. I've never had to consider putting locks on the refrigerator and the pantry before, but now I'm starting to think it's not a half bad idea.

But as my husband pointed out, at least he gives me topics to blog about. :D

Ashley said...

I don't have kids but I'm always catching my hubby in the fridge right before dnner or bed time. I keep telling him it's not good to eat right before you go to bed, But it's like talking to a brick wall. And he wonders why he is a little over weight? hmmm I wonder? LOL