Presenting my 1986 Suzuki Intruder 750. Sorry for the funny-looking, obstructed picture. It was taken while I was attending a 35MM photography class eight years ago. I was apparently going for an "artsy" shot.
I bought this baby as a used bike some ten-or-so years ago. Her seat was a little torn up, but other than that, she was in pretty good shape. We had the seat re-upholstered, and away I went. She was an upgrade in displacement from a 1982 Yamaha Seca 400. I decided that I needed a new ride when I had my first brush with death.
I was riding with hubby and a group of friends down a small country highway, one lane in each direction. The rest of the group passed a truck without issue, and then it was my turn. Mr. Truck Driver decided to play some very dangerous games with me. He would speed up when I got up next to him, then slow down when I ducked back in behind him because of on-coming traffic. I know he saw me; he looked right at me. The bike just didn't have the power to motor past him quickly enough. The last time I tried, I was almost past him when another truck was coming in the opposite direction. My throttle was completely maxed out. Mr. Truck Driver wouldn't let me get in ahead of him, so I had to slam on the brakes, struggle to keep control of the handlebars (which were objecting to the sudden drop in forward momentum - bikes are all about physics, you know) and then scoot back in behind him. I almost bought it big time that day. So hubby and I decided it was time for me to get something with more power, more pick-up.
I tried a few bikes on for size. The super sport-bikes didn't exactly fit my short-legged frame (but Oh! how I wanted that Ducati Monster Dark!). Besides, I had taken a spin on hubby's old Kawasaki Ninja 600 once. Heading down yet another, slightly larger, highway, I wondered why my riding companions were lagging behind. Then I checked my speedo. Oh, my! Honestly, Officer, I had no idea I was going that fast. I always thought that was just a line those sport-bike riders used when they were caught red-handed, but now I know they really meant it. Those bikes are very smooth, very comfortable and built for extreme speed. When you put those qualities together, you get a bike that goes really fast without you noticing it.
We moved on to cruisers. Sorry, but I'm not a Harley kinda gal. I can appreciate them for what they have to offer, but they're just not for me. So we checked out the Japanese cruisers. Most of them were very wide, which made them a little uncomfortable for women, who are not used to sitting spread eagle very often. Oddly enough, at this point in my life, I was spending a lot of time horseback riding as well. You'd think that would make it easier for me to ride the "wider" bikes. Not so much.
In rolls the Intruder. Low to the ground, so my wee legs can reach the ground comfortably at stop lights. Narrow in the saddle, so I don't feel like I'm straddling a Clydesdale. Plenty of get-up-and-go so I can , well, go when I need to. And a nice, throaty little rumble that announces my presence to the oblivious automobile drivers around me.
Other than repairing the seat, we haven't done much in the way of customizing her ... yet. Right now, she's on loan to a friend while my children are young and I can't get out to ride as much as I'd like. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. He needs the riding experience for when he buys - and insures - a bike of his own. In return, he keeps her running, limber and lubricated, something that would definitely not happen if she were stagnating in my garage. I believe he and my husband have installed a set of flat bars, and there's talk of a new set of pipes.
Oh, but one day ... one day ... you'll just have to tune back in to see what I have in store for my baby. The paint scheme, the chrome, the Corbin Gun Slinger seat ... *sigh!* Time to drag out the ol' sketch book and get dreamin'!
Technorati tags: Motorcycles ; Suzuki Intruder
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