Monday, March 06, 2006

Kudos to Canadian Oscar Winner

I didn't watch the Oscar's last night. Sorry. I was in bed, sick as the proverbial pooch. However, I was pleased as punch upon waking this morning to hear that Canadian Paul Haggis won the Best Picture Oscar for his film, 'Crash'. Kudos to you, Paul, for bringing a little red 'n' white to the gold 'n' glam.

Not having seen the film, it's a little difficult to say whether or not I agree with the nomination and win. However, I did catch a few scenes when the cast appeared on the Oprah show. The premise definitely peaked my interest. I like the way the different stories intertwine with one-another. Oprah's show and the ensuing debate about racism and sterotypes were certainly food for thought, whichever side of the fence you sat on.

So, I'll save my official review until after I've actually seen the movie. In the mean time, though, I'll give Mr. Haggis another pat on the back, from one Canuck to another. Good job, eh?

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