Friday, June 23, 2006

Couldn't I Have Her Eyes?

They say that dogs sometimes look like their people. In my case, it's the other way around. I've recently realized that I've taken on some of my dog's characteristics. Not the good ones, either.

Why couldn't I have taken on her athletic physique? She's built like Lassie - all tucked-in tummy and long, muscular legs. Me? I'm ... well ... not. She can run forever seemingly at the speed of sound without breaking a sweat. Yeah, I know, dogs don't sweat. You're missing the point here. Suffice it to say that, when we're discussing body structure, she's the clear winner. Kinda sad when you're jealous of your dog's metabolism, isn't it?

Maybe it's the eyes? Nope, that's not it either. My eyes are brown. That's it. No embellishments to be found anywhere. Wile E., on the other hand, has these lovely doe eyes in a mysterious amber colour with long, spikey lashes and thick, permanent eye-liner a la Cleopatra going almost back to her ears, for Pete's sake.

No, good readers, it's not the eyes or the body structure. I made the sad realization this morning while in the shower. The only thing my dog and I have in common is the shedding.

Yes, shedding. While I started out in a free-flowing shower, I soon found myself in a quickly mounting pool of water which was being held in by spidery masses of my very own hair. Too bad it's all coming off of my head, though. Wouldn't it be nice if once, just once, all the hair on your legs or under your arms or your bikini line just jumped off your body voluntarily? I mean, of course, without there being some sort of severe medical issue that causes the hair to jump off.

My shedding issues aren't restricted to the shower, either. My kids are quite used to pulling dog hair out of their food. What's an extra follicle or two amongst family? Take a close look at the dust bunnies under my bed and you'll realize that some of those dust bunnies have had dye jobs (and their roots are showing pretty badly, too).

Oh, well. I may not have the svelte figure or the Cleopatra eyes. But, when my guests are picking bits of fur off their behinds, at least I can blame it on the dog. :D

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1 comment:

Ashley said...

Too funny Vicky. I have a Pug and he sheds too much. I think you are right about owners and their dogs looking aiike. I think my Pug and I do, we both have blonde hair and brown eyes. My hubby often tells me that our Pug has my personalitly and some of my traits. I just laugh and smile.