Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Blog Revival

Hey blog fans! How've you all been? Yeah, I know. It's been a while since I last posted. Sorry. We've had to deal with Christmas, tax time, some sort of Norwalk virus taking the household down and a major computer crash. But we're back up and running, and I hope that means I'll have a little more time to blog.

Let's see ... what's been going on since November ...

Well, Trouble is now 3 1/2 years old and still refuses to potty train. Can you say "stubborn"? I'm not too concerned. Mini-me was the same way. He just woke up one morning and said, "I'm done, Mom. Take these things off me now." Never looked back. Trouble will be the same way, I'm sure. I just hope it happens some time before his 16th birthday.

It gets a little frustrating, though. I mean, I know he's smart enough.

Maybe that's the problem ... maybe he's too smart (Yeah, sure, Mom. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.).

He is very intelligent, though. How many 3 1/2 year olds do you know who not only know how to play GameCube and PlayStation, but also know how to change the games whenever they want, and can even plug the thing into the front of the TV if need be? Granted, the little wires and plug thingys are colour coded, but still...

Speaking of plug thingys, how thrilled am I that they've come out with Canada's Worst Handyman 2?! Oh, man, this batch is almost as good as the last bunch. Some are better, actually. My fave is the woman from out West who thinks she's a better handyperson than her contractor husband because she watches a lot of home improvement TV shows. So, if I start watching America's Next Top Model religiously, does that mean I'll shed 150lobs and grow 5 or 6 inches? Cool!

Then there's the poor fella who has to put up with his ornery mother-in-law. At first, I thought she was just ticked off at him because she thinks he isn't good enough for her daughter. But then she went to "help" one of the other nominees whose partner had to leave because of a back injury. Turns out that, no, she's just a biatch.

Ah, well, guess I'd better get back to work now. 'Till next time (which hopefully won't be another 6 months from now), keep the rubber side down. ;)

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