Monday, February 06, 2006

Are You Sure??

How many of you get annoyed whenever you try to delete a file and your computer asks you to confirm your intentions five times? Do you find yourself yelling at your monitor? "Yes, I'm sure, darn it! If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have clicked on 'delete', now would I?!" That used to be me. That is, until I became a mother.

I've figured it out, folks. The great mystery of computing. Why do developers insists on asking that inane question, "are you sure?". It's not because of the computer illiterate. It's to safeguard us mothers. It's to protect our computers and the priceless information they contain from the marauding hands of two-year-olds.

That's why I spend so much time at my computer (sure, it is, honey). I have to be here to guard it from Trouble (with the Capital T - remember him?). Shut it down, you say? He's learned how to turn it back on - no mean feat, since this is a laptop with the hidden slidey button on the side. Lock it away? You don't know Trouble the way I know Trouble. To keep it safe from him, I'd need a bank vault accessible only via a Batman-esque hidden wall. Even at that, I'm pretty sure he'd find it, and would probably crack the vault's security code, too.

No, I'll just have to keep my lonely vigil here, blogging and reading and constantly looking over my shoulder. What? Oh, hi sweety. What are you doing ... no, don't touch that button! I'm not ready to publish my post yet! Wait! Oh, darn it! Why didn't Blogger put in the "are you sure" safeguard?!


Unknown said...

Capital T sounds exactly like my two little monsters (2&3), they manage to do things on the computer I didn't even know you could do!
Your blog had me in stitches, keep up the good work.

BikerMomma said...

They are quite the joy, aren't they? I don't know how you're managing with two at that age. With plenty of coffee, I'd imagine! Thanks for the compliment. ;)