Friday, August 11, 2006

Ineffective Ads: Part Deux

Further to my previous post on the subject, I'd like to add yet another ineffective ad to the ever-growing list.

Have you ever seen the Febreeze ad? You know the one - where the mom picks up a bunch of stuffed animals from the carpet, puts them into the toy box and then sprays the carpet with Febreeze. When she turns around again, all of the stuffed animals that she had just put away are now face-down on the carpet, supposedly enjoying the fresh scent.

Now, I don't know about you, but this is not something I would enjoy seeing in my home. Especially that creepy little monkey they focus in on, with the huge, funky eyes. As a matter of fact, this would be one of the circumstances at the top of my "Get the bleep out of the house NOW!!" list. Seriously, there have been several horror films created on this very premise. How could anyone at the agency think this commercial was a good idea? Is their next brainstorming session going to produce commercials for Spray 'N' Wash where they demonstrate how their product could possibly have removed the pig's blood from Carrie's dress?

On a completely different note:

You all remember my dog, Wile E.? Well, she's taught herself another trick.

It started when we were at the neighbour's house and had left her in our yard. She apparently heard us talking through the kitchen window and decided she wanted to join us. So, she figured out how to climb the fence. Not jump it - climb it. She gets her front paws on the top cross-bar, and then climbs up the chain link with her back paws until her rear end is high enough to push herself over the top.

Originally, she was only doing it to join hubby or myself on the other side of the fence. Recently, she's been climbing at will to join the Lab next door for a little play time.

So, I figure this is my cue to get cracking on that back-yard agility equipment I've been meaning to build for her. Maybe, if she has enough of her own toys to play with and climb on, she won't be tempted to go looking for fun elsewhere. After all, a tired dog is a good dog, right? If anyone knows of any links to free, on-line plans, please post them in the comment section. Wile E. and I thank you!

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